Porto Petro Map & Guide

Porto Petro map and guide to the Mallorca resort of Porto Petro.

Detailed Street Map of Porto Petro Majorca

Porto Petro Map: Above you can view a detailed street map of Porto Petro, a popular coastal resort, close to Cala D'Or, in the Santanyi district of Majorca (Mallorca), in the Spanish Balearic Islands.

This Porto Petro map is interactive, so you can use the navigation buttons (top left) to zoom in or out and pan around. Zoom in to get a town centre map of Porto Petro, or zoom out to see neighbouring Santanyi resorts such as Cala D'Or, Cala Mondrago, Cala Figuera, Cala Egos, Cala Ferrera, Es Sivinar and Cala Serena.

Formerly just a small fishing village located on the east coast of Majorca, Porto Petro is now a popular if tranquil holiday destination. The local population is only around 500, and the resort is mostly gathered around the harbour and small beach, where you will find a number of bars and restaurants.

Local hotels include the 5 Star luxury Blau Porto Petro Beach Resort, you can find self-catering villas and apartments below. Porto Petro enjoys typical Majorca weather conditions, with sunny dry summers and damper cooler winters.

Porto Petro can be reached via the MA-19 from the regional capital Santanyi (via S'Alqueria Blanca), it is about 58 kilometres (36 miles) from the airport at Palma de Mallorca.

Porto Petro Weather: Porto Petro Weather

Nearby Places to Porto Petro Majorca: Porto Colom - Cala Serena - Felanitx - Cala Llombards - Santanyi - Cala Figuera - Calas de Mallorca

More Info: Weather in Mallorca

Mallorca Attractions: Puig de Randa - Sa Calobra - Cabrera Island - Capocorb Vell

Porto Petro airport driving distance: Palma de Mallorca airport to Porto Petro is a driving distance of 58 kilometres (36 miles).

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