Tarazona Map and Guide

Handy Tarazona map, and guide to the Aragon town.

Detailed Street Map of Tarazona, Aragon, Spain

Tarazona Map: Shown above is a detailed street map of Tarazona, useful for your visit to the town in the Aragon region of Spain. Located north-west of Zaragoza, Tarazona has some interesting architecture.

Tarazona: Located to the west of Zaragoza in the central Aragon region of Spain, the town of Tarazona has a population of around 11,000 and boasts a wealth of Mudejar architecture, making it well worth a visit. It’s crumbling old upper quarters (Barios Altos), climbs a hill overlooking the River Queiles. Here you can find the Plaza de España, with its magnificent 16th century town hall (Ayuntamiento), nearby you can see the Iglesia de Santa Maria Magdalena, with its slender Mudejar tower, the old bullring, Plaza de Toros Vieja, built in the late 18th century, and the Palacio Episcopal (Bishop’s Palace), formerly a fortified Moorish palace.

In the lower part of the town, you will find the cathedral, with an interesting mixture of Gothic, Mudejar, Romanesque and Renaissance architecture, it dates from the 14th century, and has spent most of its recent existence undergoing renovations. Near to the cathedral on the Plaza de San Francisco, you will find the main tourist office for Tarazona, here you can pick up a map and useful information for your visit.

When you have seen the sights in Tarazona, take a few hours out to visit the nearby Monasterio de Veruela (15 kilometres south-east of Tarazona), founded in the 12th century by the Cistercians, its massive abbey church is a mix of Gothic and Romanesque architecture, its charming, well preserved cloisters, displaying decorated beast’s heads, in the Gothic style.

As can be seen from this Tarazona map, the town can be reached via the N-121 or N-122, it is about 88 kilometres driving distance from Zaragoza and 300 kilometres driving distance from Madrid.

Aragon Information: Aragon Map and Guide

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