Daroca Map and Guide

Useful Daroca map, and guide to the Aragon town.

Detailed Street Map of Daroca Aragon

Daroca Map: Shown above is a detailed street map of Daroca, an interesting town, enclosed by medieval walls in the region of Aragon. Use the zoom in (+) button to get in even closer or zoom out to view surrounding areas.

Daroca: Lying some 38 kilometres south-east of Catalayud, the small town of Daroca in Aragon, is enclosed by ruined medieval walls, which once had no fewer that 114 towers. Though much dilapidated, the walls are still an impressive sight, and stretch for about 4 kilometres, a fine view of the walls can be enjoyed from the main road to Zaragoza.

Daroca is still entered by way of two impressive gateways at either end of the Calle Mayor, the Puerta Alta and the Puerta Baja. Between the 2 you will find medieval streets , peppered with churches in Mudejar, Gothic and Romanesque styles.

The most impressive church, the Iglesia Colegiata de Santa Maria, located in the Plaza de EspaƱa, dates from the 16th century, and holds the Holy Cloths from the reconquest, it also has a small museum, with displays of religious artefacts.

As can be seen on the Daroca map above, the town can be reached via the N-234 or A-211, it is about 38 kilometres south-east of Calatayud, 95 kilometres from Zaragoza and 265 kilometres driving distance from the Spanish capital Madrid.

Aragon Information: Aragon Map and Guide

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