Calatayud Map and Guide

View this Calatayud map, and guide to the city in Aragon.

Detailed Street Map of Calatayud Aragon Spain

Calatayud Map: Above you can view a detailed street map of Calatayud, a city located in the Zaragoza province of Aragon, Spain. This Calatayud map is interactive, so you can use the navigation controls to zoom in closer or pan around to see nearby Aragon towns and villages.

Calatayud: A mostly uninviting town in the Zaragoza province of the Aragon region of Spain, Calatayud has a population of around 20,000 and a history going back to the Moorish occupation. Calatayud is worth a look if you are passing nearby, but don’t make a special trip as there are more inspiring places to visit in the region.

Calatayud History: Originally a Celtiberian settlement, it later became the Roman city of Augusta Bilbilis, though the current city of Calatayud is some four kilometres away from the Roman one. The present town was established by the Moors in the 8th century, and was called Ayyub at that time (the current name derived from the Arabic for “Ayyub’s Fort”). By the 11th century Calatayud had a significant Jewish community, bringing prosperity to the town until the expulsion of all Jews from Spain in 1492, after which it fell into decline. Calatayud came back under Christian control in 1119, after being taken by Alfonso I of Aragon.

Calatayud Attractions: If you find yourself in Calatayud, climb the hill to the old town, where amongst a maze of narrow winding streets and alleyways, you will find some interesting churches, including the church of Santa Maria la Mayor, with its elaborate façade and fine Mudéjar tower, the Iglesia de San Andreas, also with Mudéjar tower, the Iglesia de San Juan el Real, boasting 4 frescoes by Goya, and the unstable looking Iglesia de San Pedro.

You will no doubt want to take a look at the ruined Arabic castle, its best attributes being the excellent views, which its lofty position offers.

From Calatayud you could head south for about 20 kilometres and you will find the Monasterio de Piedra (Monastery of Stone), a Cistercian monastery founded by Alfonso II of Aragon in the 12th century. It stands in a picturesque park and has some original parts, though was mostly rebuilt during the 19th century.

Calatayud can be reached via the A-2 (N-234) between Zaragoza and Guadalajara, it is around 88 kilometres from Zaragoza, 131 kilometres from Guadalajara and 231 kilometres from Madrid.

Aragon Information: Aragon Map and Guide

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