Santa Pola Map

Useful Santa Pola map, showing the location of the Costa Blanca town.

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Detailed Street Map of Santa Pola

Santa Pola Map - Zoomable road map of Santa Pola, a large town and seaside resort between Alicante and Guardamar del Segura on the Costa Blanca, Spain.

Use buttons to get a detailed street map of Santa Pola and plan your visit to the resort.

By using the buttons on this Santa Pola map, you can see the nearby towns and areas of Los Arenales del Sol, Casas del Cap, Vallverda, Gran Alacant, Ermita Vella and also the salt lakes of Santa Pola (Salines de Santa Pola). By left clicking the Santa Pola map and dragging it down you can also view the airport at El Altet, south of Alicante.

Shown in green on this Santa Pola map, are the areas of salt lakes from which huge amounts of salt are extracted by age old methods. Whilst driving by Santa Pola on the way to La Marina, you can see the piles of salt on the road side. During the summer, you can even see the salt being harvested. The salt lakes and nature reserve are marked Salinas del Brac del Port, on the Santa Pola map above.

Book Santa Pola hotels on the right, and find self catering apartments and villas in the area, below.

Santa Pola can be reached via the N-332 coastal road between Guardamar del Segura and Alicante, it is about 21 kilometres from Guardamar del Segura, 20 kilometres from Alicante, 16 kilometres from Elche, and a driving distance of 33 kilometres from Torrevieja.

Santa Pola Links: Santa Pola Main Page - Santa Pola Weather

Santa Pola airport driving distances: Alicante airport to Santa Pola is a driving distance of 12 kilometres, Murcia (San Javier) airport to Santa Pola is a driving distance of 74 kilometres.

Nearby places you can view on this Santa Pola map: Rojales - Guardamar del Segura - La Marina - San Fulgencio - Ciudad Quesada - La Mata - Los Arenales - Algorfa - Almoradi

Attractions: Tabarca Island - Santa Barbara Castle - Cave Houses Rojales - Rio Safari Elche

Golf Courses: La Finca - La Marquesa Golf - Spain Golf Courses

Related: Orihuela Costa - Torrevieja - Murcia - Orihuela - Cabo Roig - Playa Flamenca - Builders