Blue Lagoon Map Spain

Useful Blue Lagoon map, showing the urbanization in San Miguel de Salinas, near Villamartin.

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Detailed Street Map of Blue Lagoon Villamartin

Blue Lagoon Map - Zoomable road map of Blue Lagoon, a residential urbanization in San Miguel de Salinas, beside the golf complex of Villamartin on the southern Costa Blanca, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Blue Lagoon and plan your visit to the area. By zooming out you can also view the areas of Las Filipinas, Villamartin, Los Dolces, Lomas de Don Juan, La Regia, and La Chimosa, you can also see the 3 neighbouring golf courses of Villamartin, Las Ramblas and Campoamor.

Blue Lagoon is a popular area for the purchase of holiday homes in the sun, it is handy for the 3 nearby golf courses and also for the beaches of the Orihuela Costa, such as Cabo Roig, La Zenia and Playa Flamenca.

Villamartin Pages: Villamartin Guide - Villamartin Map - Villamartin Weather - Villamartin Plaza - Villamartin Street Map

Nearby Places: Torrevieja - Cabo Roig - La Zenia - Campoamor - Playa Flamenca - San Miguel de Salinas - Torre de la Horadada - Campoverde - Pilar de la Horadada

More Golf Courses: Las Ramblas - Campoamor - Lo Romero Golf - Spain Golf Courses

Related: Orihuela Costa - Alicante - Murcia - Orihuela - Ciudad Quesada - Benidorm - Mar Menor - Cartagena - Builders