Daya Vieja Map & Guide

Daya Vieja map, holiday rentals, property, hotels, car hire, transfers, golf, guide.

Detailed Street Map of Daya Vieja Costa Blanca

Daya Vieja Map: Above you can view a location map for the village of Daya Vieja, located close to Almoradi and Rojales on the Costa Blanca, Spain. Use the zoom in button (+) on the top left, to get a detailed street map of Daya Vieja.

A small village and municipality located just inland from the Costa Blanca coastline, Daya Vieja has a population of just 598 (2008), and a history going back to the eighteenth century, when the land was purchased by the Pinohermosa family, it was formerly tied to the city of Orihuela, which lies south-west of the village.

Other places visible on this Daya Vieja map include, Daya Nueva, Lo Martinez, San Fulgencio, Fincas de la Vega, Rojales and Formentera del Segura.

As can be seen on this Daya Vieja map, the village can be accessed via the CV-901 from Almoradi, and the CV-910, it is just a few kilometres inland from the beach resort of Guardamar del Segura, and is around 54 kilometres from Alicante airport.

Below you will find quick links to Daya Vieja local information - Click on images or links.

Daya Vieja airport driving distances: Murcia (San Javier) airport to Daya Vieja is a driving distance of 49 kilometres (30 miles), Alicante airport to Daya Vieja is a driving distance of 54 kilometres (33 miles).

More places close to Daya Vieja: Algorfa - Benijofar - Dolores - Catral

Golf Courses Near Daya Vieja: La Finca - La Marquesa - Spain Golf Courses

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