Cuenca Map and Guide

Useful Cuenca map and guide to the city and attractions.

Detailed Street Map of Cuenca Spain

Cuenca Map: Above you can see a map of Cuenca, a large city and province, in the Castilla-La Mancha region of Spain. A historic city which traces its history back to Roman times, Cuenca is the regions 2nd most popula rpklace to visit (after Toledo).

Use the navigation buttons on this Cuenca map to get a detailed street map of Cuenca and plan your visit to the city. Below you will find some useful tourist information for Cuenca, and also a brief history of Cuenca, together with a guide to some of its attractions, which you can visit during your trip.

Cuenca Article: A city and province in the Castilla-La Mancha region of Spain, Cuenca has a history going back to the Roman occupation of the Iberian Peninsular. Today the city has a population of around 55,000, and is the capital of a province (of the same name), which is one of the largest in Spain (17,000 square kilometres).

Probably the second most popular place to visit in the region after Toledo, Cuenca is a regular day trip excursion from Madrid. The city has some interesting places to visit and actually warrants more than just a day, so if you can try to book a hotel and stay overnight, you may get a better feel for this historic place.

Cuenca History: Though little is known of the Roman occupation of the area, the Moorish control of Cuenca is fairly well documented. The Moors captured Cuenca in 714 AD, and appreciating the strategic value of its location, quickly built a castle on top of a steeply sided spur, which drops away into deep gorges, carved into the rock by the Huécar and Júcar rivers. Parts of this ancient fortress still remain, though most of it has now fallen into ruin.

Under the Moors Cuenca became prosperous, through trade, agriculture and textiles, and this prosperity continued even after the Arab stranglehold was ended by the Reconquest in 1177.

The building of the cities cathedral began soon after the Christian Reconquest and took almost 100 years to complete (1182–1270), and is one of the earliest examples of “Gothic Cathedral” to be built in Spain.

Cuenca fell into a period of decline during the 18th century, mostly due to a ban on the textile industry by Carlos IV, this was a severe blow as it had been the main industry of the city for many centuries. Further decline followed wars and conflict, and the population of the city dropped dramatically, only recovering after the arrival of the railway during the 19th century.

Cuenca suffered a great deal of damage during the Third Carlist War (1874), and saw further conflict during the Spanish Civil War, when is was part of a republican zone, it was taken by Franco’s troops in 1938, after which it fell into poverty and despair, only recovering again in the late 1960’s, mostly due to an emerging tourism industry.

Cuenca Attractions: Worth a visit in Cuenca are the aforementioned cathedral, which dates from the 12th century, the dramatic hanging houses (Casas Colgadas) which jut precariously over the gorge of the Rio Huécar, the 18th century church of San Pedro, the 13th century Iglesia de San Miguel, the Saint Pauls Bridge (Puente de San Pablo), dating from the 16th century, the ruined castle from the Moorish occupation, and the Museo de Arte Abstracto, which is located in one of the hanging houses, and displays work by many of Spain’s leading abstract artists.

Cuenca can be reached via the CU-11, the N-420 and the N-320, it can also be reached by railway from Madrid. The nearest major airport to Cuenca is at Madrid (Barajas), which is around 130 kilometres away, this is of course served by most major UK airports and dozens throughout Europe. Another airport which you could use to get to Cuenca would be Valencia, but this is even further away at 155 kilometres. To get to Cuenca from either of these airports you could hire a car, take a train, or book an airport transfer.

Castilla-La Mancha Info: Castilla-La Mancha Guide - Castilla-La Mancha Map

Castilla-La Mancha Places: Toledo - Almagro - Consuegra - Siguenza - Valdepenas - Guadalajara - Albacete

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