Albacete Castilla-La Mancha

Handy Albacete map and city guide.

Detailed Street Map of Albacete Spain

Albacete Map: Above you can view a detailed street map of Albacete, a large city in the Castilla-La Mancha region of Spain. A mostly industrial city, Albacete has a population of over 150,000. Also visible on this Albacete map is the city airport, and the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).

Albacete History and Attractions: A modern industrial city with a population of around 150,000, Albacete is the capital of a province of the same name, located in the Castilla-La Mancha region of Spain. Taking its name from the Arabic al-basit (the plain), it has some history, though mostly grew up after the mosquito infested swamps in the area, were drained in the 19th century.

Albacete’s cathedral was started in the early 16th century and warrants a visit for its Ionic columns and Renaissance alterpiece. Possibly even more interesting is the Museo de Albacete, with some fascinating artefacts on display, including five small Roman dolls (very rare), expertly crafted with working joints. Beside the museum is the Parque de Abelardo Sánchez, a pleasant place to enjoy a shaded hour or two out of the baking sun.

Albacete Hotels: While you could probably see everything of interest in one day in the city, you may prefer to stay overnight in Albacete, in which case you will be looking for a hotel. There are plenty of Albacete hotels to choose from including the Parador de Albacete, the Gran Hotel Albacete, the Universidad Hotel Albacete and the Hotel Castilla Albacete, you can book these and several other hotels in Albacete, by using the search box above right.

Albacete is situated in the west of Castilla-La Mancha and can be accessed from the A-30, A-31 and N-322, it is about 224 kilometres from Spain's capital Madrid, and 127 kilometres from Murcia.

Castilla-La Mancha Info: Castilla-La Mancha Guide - Castilla-La Mancha Map

Castilla-La Mancha Places: Toledo - Almagro - Consuegra - Siguenza - Valdepenas - Guadalajara - Cuenca

Castillo-La Mancha Hotels: TRH Almagro - Parador de Siguenza

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