Almagro Castilla-La Mancha

Map and guide to Almagro, a town in Castilla-La Mancha

Detailed Street Map of Almagro Spain

Almagro Castilla-La Mancha: Above you can view a detailed street map of Almagro, a historic town situated in the Castilla-La Mancha region in the interior plains of Spain.

Another of the historic towns of the Castilla-La Mancha region, Almagro lies some 20 kilometres east of Ciudad Real. A significant town during the 15th and 16th centuries, it now has a population of around 9,000 and is worth a visit for a number of reasons.

Home to a unique open air theatre, the Corral de las Comedias, Almagro attracts thousands of visitors who come to watch performances of plays from the 16th and 17th centuries, which are held throughout the year but especially during July, when a drama festival is held in honour of St Bartholemew.

Other attractions in Almagro include the Plaza Mayor, largely built by the Fugger family, the Hapsburg bankers of Charles V, the Museo Nacional del Teatro (mainly for theatre buffs), and the Convento de la Asuncion de Calatrava (16th century).

The name Almagro derives from the Arabic word for the red clay which is found in the area, it grew around a Moorish castle called Almagrib.

If you have a car you should also visit the Castillo de Calatrava, a fabulous castle and monastery located at Calatrava La Nueva, about 30 kilometres south of Almagro.

Almagro Hotels: If you are staying overnight in Almagro, you will no doubt be looking for a hotel, there are a decent choice of hotels in Almagro including the Parador de Almagro Hotel, the TRH Hotel Almagro, and the Retiro del Maestro Hotel Almagro. You can book any of these or choose from several other hotels by using the booking box above right, offering the cheapest deals available.

Almagro can be accessed from the CM-412 between Ciudad Real and ValdepeƱas.

Almagro Hotels: TRH Almagro

Castilla-La Mancha Info: Castilla-La Mancha History and Attractions - Castilla-La Mancha Map

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