Galicia Map

Useful Galicia map, showing the cities, towns and villages of the region.

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Detailed Road Map of Galicia Spain

Galicia Map (Mapa) - Zoomable road map of Galicia the most westerly region of Spain, bordering on Portugal and the Atlantic coastline.

Using the buttons on the top left of this Galicia map you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a closer look at your desired area of Galicia, you can get a closer view of Galicia's towns and cities of Santiago de Compostella, A Coruña, Lugo, Vigo, Pontevedra and Ourense.

Spain's greenest and most westerly region, Galicia borders on Portugal, Asturias, Castille y Leon and the Atlantic coast. Galicia is a poor region depending mostly on fishing and agriculture, visiting much of the region is like stepping back in time, many farms still using horses to work the land. Galicia's biggest tourist attraction is the holy city of Santiago de Campostella, Europe's second most important religious shrine, and supposed burial place of St James the Apostle. Galicia comprises four provinces - A Coruña, Lugo, Pontevedra and Ourense.

Galicia Links: Galicia - Galicia Weather

Galicia Places: Vigo - Santiago de Compostela - Betanzos - Mondoñedo - Pontevedra

Other Places: Oviedo - Llanes

Related: Andalucia - Catalonia - Valencia - Madrid - Barcelona - Builders