Santa Cruz de Tenerife Map

Useful Santa Cruz de Tenerife map, showing the capital town.

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Detailed Street Map of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Santa Cruz de Tenerife Map - Zoomable street map of Santa Cruz de Tenerife capital city of the island of Tenerife in the Spanish Canary Islands.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and plan your visit to the city, the easiest way to zoom in is to double click on the map with the left mouse button.

It is also possible to view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of Santa Maria del Mar, San Cristobal de la Laguna, El Chorillo, Llano del Moro, Los Baldios, Pedro Alvarez, you can also view Tenerife North Airport.

By far the largest town on Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife has a population of around 240,000, about one third of the population of the entire island, it became a significant port way back in the 16th century and was named after the Holy Cross of the Spanish conquistadors.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is situated on a large natural bay, backed by the Anaga Mountains, it has an attractive promenade and is the shopping capital of the island, it is also the capital of the Canary Islands (shared with La Palma). There are numerous interesting places to visit in Santa Cruz and you can read up on the town on our information page.

Santa Cruz de TenerifeThe best beach for the area is at San Andres and is called Playa de las Teresitas, this is a beach that has been much improved by the addition of sand from the Sahara Desert in Africa.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife has a good selection of hotels to choose from and you can get the best rates by using the booking form above right. The city enjoys wonderful weather conditions, though it is more humid than the resorts in the south of the island.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is located in the north-east of the island and is also an important ferry port having links with the other Canary Islands and also Cadiz on the Spanish mainland, and Morrojable in Morocco.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife Links: Santa Cruz de Tenerife Guide - Santa Cruz de Tenerife Weather

Tenerife Hotels: Principe Tenerife

Tenerife Golf: Amarilla Golf - Golf del Sur

Other Places: Puerto de la Cruz - Playa de las Americas - Los Cristianos - Los Gigantes - Adeje - Arona - Caleta - Callao Salvaje - Chayofa - Costa del Silencio - Fanabe - Las Galletas - Playa Paraiso

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