Las Galletas Map

Useful Las Galletas map, showing the resort in southern Tenerife.

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Detailed Street Map of Las Galletas Tenerife

Las Galletas Map - Zoomable street map of Las Galletas a popular holiday location on the southern coast of the island of Tenerife in the Spanish Canary Islands.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Las Galletas and plan your visit to the resort, the easiest way to zoom in is to double click on the map with the left mouse button.

It is also possible to view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of Costa del Silencio, Palm Mar, Los Cristianos, Chayofa, Guargacho, Charifa, Guincho, Golf del Sur, Amarillo Golf and Country Club and Cabo Blanco.

A popular resort in the southern part of Tenerife between Los Cristianos and Costa del Silencio, La Galletas is a charming little village with narrow streets and pretty squares, it is just a 10 minute walk from Costa del Silencio.

Las Galletas has a picturesque harbour backed by an attractive beachfront promenade, lined with restaurants and bars, the beach consists of black volcanic sand and pebbles and the harbour boasts some excellent seafood restaurants, it benefits from the fantastic weather which is typical of this part of Tenerife. Book hotels in Las Galletas using the booking form provided on this page.

Las Galletas is located on the southern shores of Tenerife, it can be reached by way of the TF-66 (TF-1), the airport at Reina Sofia is about 15 kilometres away, it is a 78 kilometre drive to the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Nearby Places: Costa del Silencio - Playa de las Americas

Tenerife Hotels: Principe Tenerife

Tenerife Golf: Amarilla Golf - Golf del Sur

Other Places: Puerto de la Cruz - Los Gigantes - Adeje - Arona - Caleta - Callao Salvaje - Chayofa - Fanabe - Playa Paraiso - Playa de las Americas - Puerto Santiago

Related: Gran Canaria - Lanzarote - La Palma - Fuerteventura - El Hierro - La Gomera - Builders