Callao Salvaje Map

Useful Callao Salvaje map, showing the resort in western Tenerife.

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Detailed Street Map of Callao Salvaje

Callao Salvaje Map - Zoomable street map of Callao Salvaje a coastal resort (Costa Adeje) close to Playa Paraiso on the west coast of the Tenerife in the Spanish Canary Islands.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Callao Salvaje and plan your visit to the resort, the easiest way to zoom in is to double click on the map with the left mouse button.

It is also possible to view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of Playa Paraiso, Playa de Fanabe, Puertito, La Caleta, Fanabe, Costa Adeje, Barriada de Fyffes, Moraditas, Menores and Golf Costa Adeje, a little further to the south are the busy resorts of Playa de las Americas and Los Cristianos.

Located on the Costa Adeje just north of Playa Paraiso, the coastal town of Callao Salvaje is a relatively new tourist development catering for the busy Tenerife holiday market.

Callao Salvaje has a small pebbly beach and a few facilities, accommodation in the town is mostly in the form of aparthotels and privately owned properties, aparthotels incude the Merlin Resort Apartments, the resort benefits from splendid weather conditions, typical of southern Tenerife.

Book Callao Salvaje hotels by using the Tenerife hotel booking box on the right. Below you will find details of holiday villas in Callao Salvaje. You can also organise airport transfers by visiting our airport transfer page where you can get a quote and book securely online.

As can be seen on this Callao Salvaje map, the resort can be reached via the TF-47 road (from the TF-1) and is around 30 km from Reina Sofia airport (Tenerife south) in the Canary Islands, Spain.

Callao Salvaje Property: Advertise your Callao Salvaje property here: Advertise Here.

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