Adeje Map

Useful Adeje map, and guide to the resort on the island of Tenerife.

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Map and Guide for Adeje Tenerife

Adeje Map - Zoomable street map of Adeje a town and municipality located in southern Tenerife in the Spanish Canary Islands, located off the north-west coast of Africa. Adeje and Costa Adeje map.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Adeje and plan your visit to the region, the easiest way to zoom in is to double click on the map with the left mouse button.

It is also possible to view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of Costa Adeje, Playa Paraiso, Caleta, Fanabe, Playa Fanabe, Puertito and Callao Salvaje, also shown is Golf Costa Adeje.

The municipality of Adeja cover an area of about 106km2 and is situated about 90 km from the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife, its economy is mostly based on tourism and its coastal area Costa Adeje is a popular location for holidaymakers, who visit to enjoy the wonderful weather and the excellent beaches.

The Costa Adeje has some excellent hotels including the Hotel Bahia Princess, the Hotel Riu Palace Tenerife, Principe Tenerife, and the Hotel Jardines de Nivaria, you will also find plenty of privately owned rental accommodation in the area.

Adeje is located in the southern part of Tenerife, about 20 km from Reina Sofia airport in the Canary Islands which are located off the north-western coastline of Africa.

Adeje Links: Adeje Weather

Nearby Places: Playa de las Americas - Arona

Tenerife Hotels: Principe Tenerife

Tenerife Golf: Amarilla Golf - Golf del Sur

Other Tenerife Places: Puerto de la Cruz - Los Cristianos - Los Gigantes - Caleta - Callao Salvaje - Chayofa - Costa del Silencio - Las Galletas - Puerto Santiago

Related: Gran Canaria - Lanzarote - La Palma - Fuerteventura - El Hierro - La Gomera - Spain - Builders