Niagara Falls Map

Detailed Street Map of Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls Map - Zoomable road map of Niagara Falls, one of the wonders of the natural world, located in Ontario, Canada, the Niagara Falls is one of Canada's most visited tourist destinations.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Niagara Falls and plan your visit to the area. Also shown on the map is the Niagara Reservation State Park, Goat Island, Bird Island, Robinson Island, Three Sisters Island, and the town of Niagara Falls, New York.

A huge waterfall straddling the borders of the USA and Canada, the Niagara Falls are located 27 kilometres north-west of Buffalo, N.Y. Between the cities of Niagara Falls, New York and Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Comprising 2 main sections and divided by Goat Island, the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls were originally formed when glacial ice receded at the termination of the last ice-age. The very wide falls record an average water flow of four million cubic feet per minute. An area of great beauty, the Niagara Falls are also an important source of hydroelectric power.

The falls can be viewed from a number of vantage points, one of the finest being the Table Rock at the brink of the Horseshoe Falls, an even closer look can be enjoyed from tunnels beneath Table Rock, but be careful you can get a soaking by getting this close to the falls, you may also be deafened by the thunderous noise of the water reaching the bottom.

To avoid the worst of the crowds, avoid the months of July and August and weekends, a great way to enjoy the falls is to take a trip on the Parks Commission bus line. If you are taking holidays in the area be sure to visit Niagara Falls.

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