Weather Dominican Republic
Latest Weather in the Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic Weather - Here is the latest weather for the Dominican Republic, a country which occupies two thirds of the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea. This weather in the Dominican Republic is updated regularly, so you can always see the current weather for the Dominican Republic, you can also view a 10 day weather forecast for the Dominican Republic. Today's Dominican Republic weather and forecast
The Dominican Republic climate is hot, sunny and tropical with an average temperature of around 25° C, the rainy season varies, depending on which part of the island you are visiting. The Dominican Republic does experience hurricanes from time to time.
This featured weather is for the Santiago area of the Dominican Republic, it will also be relevant for the areas of Guyabal, Villa Gonzalez, La Canela, Tamboril and Pedro Garcia.
The Dominican Republic occupies about two thirds of the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea, the other third being occupied by Haiti. The Dominican Republic has a population of around 10 million and an area of 48,442 square kilometres, it is a popular holiday destination specializing in all-inclusive style holidays.
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