Interactive Catral Map

Handy Catral map, showing the location of the small town in the Vega Baja region of the Costa Blanca, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Catral Spain

Catral Map: Super Catral map giving the location of the inland town located on the southern Costa Blanca, Spain. Use controls to get a detailed street map of Catral or pan around to view surrounding areas.

Also shown on this Catral map are San Isidro, Almoradi, Daya Nueva, Albatera and the Hondo Nature Reserve.

Situated on the CV-905 from Dolores, Catral has a population of about 6,000 and was originally a Moorish village called Al-Quatrullat, Catral gained its independence from Orihuela in 1741. Close to Catral is the Hondo Reservoir a protected Natural park and a perfect place for hiking, cycling or bird-watching. Catral has some interesting places to visit and is just a short drive from the airport at Alicante (El Altet).

Catral Map Links: Catral Guide - Catral History - Catral Weather

Related: Santa Pola - Crevillente - Elche - Almoradi - Guardamar del Segura - Daya Nueva - Dolores - Orihuela - Builders