Map of Cala n Bosch

Useful Cala n Bosch map, showing the resort in Menorca.

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Detailed Street Map of Cala n Bosch Menorca

Cala n Bosch Map - Zoomable street map of Cala n Bosch, a popular coastal holiday resort in the south-west of the island of Menorca (Minorca) in the Spanish Balearic Islands located off the south-east coast of Spain in the Mediterranean Sea.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Cala n Bosch and plan your visit to the resort.

By 'panning' it is also possible to view Menorca Airport which is situated approximately 50 kilometres from Cala n Bosch and 4.5 kilometres to the south-west of the capital Mahon (MaĆ³). You can also view the areas of Son Cabrisses, Cala Blanca, Cala Santandria, Ciutadella, Cala n Blanes, San Francesc and Cala Galdana.

Cala n Bosch is a pretty much built for tourism resort located on the extreme south-west of the island of Menorca (Minorca), it is around 10 kilometres south of the ancient town of Ciutadella and 50 kilometres from the capital Mahon. Cala n Bosch has a lovely harbour area which is the centre of life in the resort with a selection of bars and restaurants and a lively nightlife scene especially during the busy summer months, you will also find a craft market in the marina. Cala n Bosch has a couple of hotels and a choice of rental accommodation and is featured by most of the major 'package holiday' tour companies. There are two beaches to choose from and you will find some excellent water sports facilities for those who prefer a bit of activity rather than just lapping up the sun on the beach.

Cala n Bosch Links: Cala n Bosch Guide - Cala n Bosch Weather

Cala n Bosch Hotels: Valentin Star Cala n Bosch

Menorca Golf: Menorca Golf Son Parc - Spanish Golf Courses

Menorca Hotels: Gavilanes Cala Galdana - Santo Tomas

Areas of Menorca: Menorca South

Menorca Places: Addaya - Arenal D'En Castell - Binibeca - Cala Galdana - Cala n Blanes - Cala n Forcat - Ciutadella - Es Castell - Los Delfines - Mahon - Punta Prima - S'Algar - Sant Lluis - Son Bou

Other Links: Weather in Menorca

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