Santiago de Compostela Weather

See today's Santiago de Compostela weather and get a 10 day forecast.

Latest Weather in Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela Weather - Here is the latest weather for Santiago de Compostela, holy city and capital of Galicia in north-western Spain. This weather in Santiago de Compostela is updated regularly, so you can always see the current weather for Santiago de Compostela, you can also view a 10 day weather forecast for Santiago de Compostela. Today's Santiago de Compostela weather.

One of the World's Holy Cities, Santiago de Compostela is a sizeable city with a population of around 93,000 and a history which goes back to the 4th century when it was founded by the Suebi people. It is well known for its cathedral and its University, and is a place of pilgrimage for 100,000 people each year.

Santiago de Compostela can be easily accessed by road, rail and air, its airport is the the north-east of the city.

Santiago de Compostela Links: Santiago de Compostela Guide - Santiago de Compostela Map

Galicia Links: Galicia - Galicia Map - Galicia Weather

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