Playa de Papagayo Map

Useful Playa de Papagayo map, showing its location on Lanzarote.

Playa de Papagayo Lanzarote


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Location Map for Playa de Papagayo Lanzarote

Above you can view a Playa de Papagayo map, the map zooms and pans, enabling you to get a closer view of the area and the nearby resort of Playa Blanca.

A relatively isolated area of fine beaches to the east of Playa Blanca, Punta de Papagayo (Parrot Point) is located on Lanzarote’s southernmost tip.

Boasting some of the finest beaches on the island, and so far totally unspoilt by development, Papagayo attracts plenty of sun worshippers, especially from the resort of Playa Blanca (15 minutes drive away)....... more: Playa de Papagayo.

Nearby Places: Playa Blanca - Yaiza

Attractions: Jameos del Agua - Timanfaya National Park

Related: Fuerteventura - Tenerife - Gran Canaria - La Palma - El Hierro - La Gomera - Spain - Builders