Palafrugell Map

Useful Palafrugell map, showing the town on the Costa Brava, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Palafrugell Spain

Palafrugell Map - Zoomable street map of Palafrugell a charming town located north of Palamos on the Costa Brava, Catalonia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Palafrugell and plan your visit to the town. On the map you can see some of the surrounding areas or you can zoom out to view other nearby towns, villages and resorts including: Aiguablava, Tamariu, Calella de Palafrugell, Llafranc, Torrent, S'Alguer, Palamos, Cala Margarida, Sant Antoni de Calonge, La Vessana and EsclanyĆ .

Located about 4 kilometres from the Costa Brava coastline, the town of Palafrugell is largely unspoilt and unaffected by tourism, though its three coastal arms, Calella de Palafrugell, Tamariu and Llafranc are highly popular tourist resorts and very busy during the summer months. Life in Palafrugell centres around the PlaƧa Nova square where you will find the 16th century Gothic church of Sant Marti (St Martin). Palafrugell's main industry for many years was the manufacture of cork and a museum outlining the history of cork production can be visited in the town.

Palafrugell is situated on the C-31/C-66, north of Palamos, it is about 40 kilometres from Girona and its airport.

Palafrugell Links: Palafrugell Guide - Palafrugell Weather

Palafrugell Car Hire: Book Car Hire.

Costa Brava Hotels: Casamar Llafranc - Eloy Tossa de Mar - Golden Bahia Tossa de Mar - Lloret de Mar Oasis

Costa Brava Golf: Club de Golf Costa Brava - Spain Golf Courses

Costa Brava Places: Begur - Besalu - Blanes - Cadaques - Calella - Canet de Mar - Empuriabrava - Estartit - Figueres - L'Escala - Llafranc - Lloret de Mar - Malgrat de Mar - Olot - Palamos - Pineda de Mar - Playa de Aro - Roses - Sant Antoni de Calonge - Santa Cristina D'Aro - Sant Feliu de Guixols - Tossa de Mar

Costa Brava Cities: Barcelona - Girona

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