Garrucha Map

Useful Garrucha map, showing the coastal town on the Costa Almeria.

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Detailed Street Map of Garrucha Spain

Garrucha Map - Zoomable road map of Garrucha, an old fishing village which is now a popular tourist destination located on the Costa Almeria, Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of the Garrucha and plan your visit to the area. Shown on the map are the areas of Vera Playa, Puerto del Rey, Las Marinas de Vera, Puerto de Garrucha, Marina del Torre and Club Marina Golf Mojacar. By zooming out a couple of steps you can view Mojacar, Villaricos, Vera, Pueblo Salinas, Palomares, Vera Playa, Turre, Antas, Cuevas del Almanzora, and the Desert Springs Golf Resort.

The traditional fishing town of Garrucha is located in the province of Almeria in the Andalucia region of south-eastern Spain. These days growing in popularity as a tourist destination, Garrucha has been for many centuries one of the main seaports for the Costa Almeria region (Almeria itself is the biggest) more: Garrucha.

Garrucha Links: Garrucha Guide - Garrucha Weather

Costa Almeria Golf: Almanzora Golf Resort

Costa Almeria Places: Almeria - Carboneras - Mojacar - Roquetas de Mar - Sorbas - Vera Playa

Related: Andalucia - Granada - Malaga - Madrid - Barcelona - Murcia - Builders