Finestrat Map

Useful Finestrat map, showing the location of the village on the Costa Blanca.

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Detailed Street Map of Finestrat

Finestrat Map: Zoomable street map of Finestrat, a unique village near to Benidorm on the Costa Blanca, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Finestrat and plan your visit to the area. It is also possible to view other surrounding towns and villages including Benidorm, Altea, Albir, Villajoyosa, Alicante, Polop, Jijona and El Campello.

Finestrat is located between the mountains and the sea to the north of Benidorm and can be accessed from the N-332 coast road or the AP-7 motorway. Built around an ancient Arab castle, Finestrat also has beach areas.

Finestrat Links: Finestrat Guide

Nearby Places: Benidorm - Denia - Moraira - Calpe - Altea - Albir - Javea - Guadalest - Villajoyosa - El Campello - Callosa d'en Sarria - Alfaz del Pi - Busot

Attractions: Terra Mitica - Aqualandia - Mundomar - Terra Natura - Penon de Ifach - Caves of Canelobre - Fuentes de Algar

Golf Courses: Ifach Golf Club - Real Faula Golf - Spain Golf

Related: Alicante - Valencia - Alicante Weather - Alicante Transfers - Spain - Builders