Carmona Map

Useful Carmona map, showing the historic town in Andlaucia, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Carmona Spain

Carmona Map - Zoomable street map of Carmona, a historic town located near to Seville in Andalucia, Spain.

Carmona AndaluciaUsing the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Carmona and plan your visit to the town. By using these controls you can also view the surrounding areas of El Viso del Alcor, Mairena del Alcor, Marchena, Arahal, Alcala de Guadaira and Seville itself.

Located about 38 kilometres east of Seville, Carmona has been a fortified town since the 8th century BC, it is well known for its Roman necropolis (Necrópolis Romana), located just outside the town. There is also plenty to see and do within the town itself, and the old quarter clings to the side of a hill, overlooking the newer suburbs..... read more: Carmona.

Carmona can be accessed via the A4 (E-5) from Seville, there are also regular buses running from Seville to Carmona.

Carmona Links: Carmona Guide - Carmona Weather

Andalucia Golf: Marbella Golf - Mijas Golf - More Spanish Golf

Carmona Hotels: Alcazar de la Reina Hotel (0034 954 196 201)

Seville Links: Seville Guide - Seville Tourist Attractions - Seville Map - Seville Weather - Utrera

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