Burriana Map

Useful Burriana map, showing the town on the Costa del Azahar.

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Detailed Street Map of Burriana Spain

Burriana Map - Zoomable street map of Burriana, a town to the south of Castellon de la Plana on the Costa del Azahar, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Burriana and plan your visit to the town. On the map you can also see the surrounding areas of Vila-Real, Almazora, Santa Barbara, Alquerias del Niño Perdido, El Sarradal, Poblats Maritims, and El Grau de Burriana,you can also see the harbour area, El Port.

A sizeable town, some 13 kilometres from Castellon de la Plana, Burriana has a population of around 34,000 and has a beach and harbour area, attracting holidaymakers and water sports enthusiasts to the area. Burriana is well known for its Orange Museum, the only one of its kind in Europe.........read more: Burriana.

Burriana is located between Sagunt and Castellon de la Plana and can be accessed from the AP-7 motorway or the CV-18.

Burriana Links: Burriana Guide

Costa del Azahar Property: Marina D'Or - Requena House - Peniscola Holidays

Costa del Azahar Golf: Oliva Nova Golf - More Spanish Golf

Costa del Azahar Hotels: Gran Hotel Peniscola

Costa del Azahar Places: Valencia - Alcala de la Selva - Alcossebre - Benicarlo - Benicassim - Castellon de la Plana - Cullera - Morella - Onda - Orpesa - Peniscola - Sagunt - Teruel - Vilafames - Vinaros - Valdelinares

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