Benitachell Map

Useful Benitachell map, showing the location of the town on the Costa Blanca.

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Detailed Street Map of Benitachell Spain

Benitachell Map: Zoomable road map of Benitachell a small town close to Moraira and Javea on the northern Costa Blanca, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Benitachell and plan your visit to the town. By using these controls you can view the nearby towns and areas of Teulada, Pueblo Alcazar, Moraira, Cumbre del Sol, La Tarraula, La Lluca, Gata de Gorgos, Sol del Este and Javea, also shown is the Club de Golf Javea.

Benitachell: A peaceful little town, originally settled by the Moors during the Arab occupation of Spain, Benitachell is these days a popular location for holiday homes and relocation. Situated between the better known resorts of Javea and Moraira, it is in a perfect location for accessing these two towns whilst retaining its own quieter identity.

Surrounding the old town are a number of modern urbanizations, where new development has attracted many foreign residents to the area, the largest of these urbanizations, Cumbre del Sol, has its own beach, amenities and enjoys some wonderful views of the nearby Mediterranean Sea.

As can be seen from this Benitachell map, the Costa Blanca town can be reached via the CV-737 or the CV-740, it is 5.5 kilometres from Moraira, 6 kilometres from Javea, 40 kilometres from Benidorm, and around 97 kilometres driving distance from Alicante Airport, Valencia airport is a little further away at 126 kilometres.

More Nearby Places: Benidorm - Denia - Calpe - Gandia - Oliva - Pego - Altea - Albir - Javea - Guadalest - Benissa - Ondara - Pedreguer - Xativa

Attractions: Gallinera Valley - Penon de Ifach - Algar Waterfalls - Caves of Canelobre - Fuentes de Algar

Golf Courses: Ifach Golf Club - Real Faula Golf - Spain Golf Courses

Related: Alicante - Murcia - Valencia - Alicante Weather - Alicante Airport Transfers - Builders