Valencia Map

Useful Valencia map, showing the city in eastern Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Valencia

Valencia Map - Zoomable street map of Valencia, city, region, port and resort situated on the Costa del Azahar coastline of south-eastern Spain. Malaga has a good selection of hotels and holiday rental accommodation, and there are plenty of beaches nearby.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Valencia and plan your visit to the city. It is also possible to view the airport 8 km to the west of the city and also other surrounding towns and villages including Torrent, Sagunto, Picassent, Montserrat, Betera, Lliria, Vilamarxant, Moncada and Puig.

Valencia is an ancient city, the 3rd largest city in Spain, with a population of 797,000. Originally named Valentia it was founded by the Romans in 137 BC on the site of a former Iberian settlement.

Valencia Links: Valencia Guide - Valencia Weather

Costa del Azahar Golf: Oliva Nova Golf - More Spanish Golf

Costa del Azahar Hotels: Gran Hotel Peniscola

Costa del Azahar Places: Alcala de la Selva - Alcossebre - Benicarlo - Benicassim - Burriana - Castellon de la Plana - Cullera - Morella - Onda - Orpesa - Peniscola - Sagunt - Teruel - Vilafames - Vinaros - Valdelinares

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