Senija Alicante

Senija, map weather and information for the village of Senija in the Alicante province of Spain.

Senija Map - Detailed Street Map of Senija Alicante

Senija Map: Above is a detailed street map of Senija, a small village located close to the town of Benissa in the Marina Alta district of the Alicante province (Costa Blanca), Spain.

Senija Alicante: A small village situated between Jalon and Benissa, just inland from the north Costa Blanca coastline, Senija has a population of just 661 (2010) of which around 38% are non-spanish. Senija is located at the foot of a mountain, close to the AP-7 motorway, from which you can access the village via the town of Benissa. Senija was inhabited by Moors as late as the sixteenth century and later belonged to the powerful Zapata family of merchants.

Senija is about 72 kilometres from Alicante and 112 kilometres from Valencia.

Senija Information: Senija Weather

Related: Costa Blanca Map - Costa Blanca Weather - Builders