Map of Salobrena

Useful Salobrena map, showing the location of the town on the Costa Tropical.

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Detailed Street Map of Salobrena Spain

Salobrena Map: Zoomable road map of Salobrena an attractive village near to Motril on the Costa Tropical, in Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Salobrena and plan your visit to the village. By zooming out you can also view other nearby areas of Almunecar, Torre del Diablo, Torre Nueva, Molvizar, Jete, Monte de los Almendros, Itrabo and Motril.

One of the most attractive of the Costa Tropical's "white villages", Salobrena clings to an impressive rock just back from the coastline and is surrounded by sugar cane plantations. Its fortified Arabic castle (Castillo) was originally constructed during the 10th century and attracts thousands of visitors each year, who all benefit from the wonderful views that derive from its elevated position above the town.

Also worth a look in Salobrena is the Iglesia de Nuestra Senora del Rosario church, dating from the 16th century and built upon the site of a former Arab mosque. On the coast the beach is wide and composed of grey sand, here you will find some bars, restaurants and chiringuitos (beach bars).

Located beside the N-340 coast road Salobrena is around 75 km from Malaga and its airport.

Salobrena Links: Salobrena Guide - Salobrena Weather - Costa Tropical Map

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