Marrakech Map

Road Map of Marrakech Morocco

Marrakech Map - Zoomable road map of Marrakech, a city of Morocco, often called the "Red City"

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Marrakech and plan your visit to the city.

An ancient city in Morocco, Marrakech derives its name from the Berber "mur n akush" meaning "land of God", it has a population of around 1 million and is the capital of the region of Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz and is the third largest city in Morocco. Marrakech boasts the largest souk (traditional market) in Morocco. The Medina (Old Town) is the place to visit in Marrakech and here you will find the main square (the busiest in Africa), the Jemaa El Fna, a place bustling with dancers, singers, acrobats and water sellers.

Marrakech is situated on the N-9 from Dar-el-Baida.

Marrakech Links: Marrakech Article and Information - Marrakech Weather

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