Jaen Map

Useful Jaen map, showing the city in the Andalucia region of Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Jaen Andalucia

Jaen Map (Mapa) - Zoomable street map of Jaen a city in northern Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Jaen and plan your visit to the city. It is also possible to view the nearby towns and areas of Valdecasillas, La Imora, Puente Tablas, Cerro Molina, Puente Nuevo, CaƱo Quebrado, Puente de Jontoya and El Arroyo, you can also see the university in the north-east of the city.

A historic city in northern Andalucia, Jaen was for many years a virtual battleground between Moors and Christians holding an important strategic position between Castille and Andalucia. Well known for the production of olive oil, Jaen has some fine places to visit including the cathedral, dating from the 16th century and the Castillo de Santa Catalina fortress, which looks down on the city from its lofty position high above. Jaen can be reached via the A-44 from Granada or by way of the A-4 from Cordoba.

Jaen Links: Jaen Guide - Jaen Weather

Andalucia Links: Andalucia Guide - Andalucia Map - Andalucia Weather

Andalucia Golf: Marbella Golf - Torrequebrada Golf - Spain Golf

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