Ibi Map

Useful Ibi map showing the town on the Costa Blanca, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Ibi Spain

Ibi Map: Zoomable map showing the location of the small town of Ibi, located on the Costa Blanca, Spain. Ibi is situated just off the A-7 motorway and is about 37 kilometres from the city of Alicante.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' in to get a more detailed street map of Ibi and plan your trip to the town.

Using the 'pan' button is also possible to view other surrounding towns and villages including Alcoy (Alcoi), Onil, Castalla, Cocentaina, Bocairent, Biar, Villena, Ontinyent, Xixona and Sax.

Ibi is famous for the making of toys and is often called 'Spain's Toy Town', it has a population of about 22,000.

Ibi Hotels: You can book Ibi hotels and accommodation using the Ibi Hotels search box above right.

You will also find self-catering accommodation in Ibi.

Ibi Links: Ibi Information

Nearby Places: Alcoy - Cocentaina - Jijona - Ontinyent - Alcalali - Benidorm - Denia - Moraira - Calpe - Altea - Albir - Javea - Guadalest - Villajoyosa - Alcoi - Busot - El Campello - Finestrat

Attractions: Gallinera Valley - Penon de Ifach - Algar Waterfalls - Caves of Canelobre - Fuentes de Algar

Golf Courses: Oliva Nova Golf - Ifach Golf Club - Real Faula Golf - Spain Golf

Related: Alicante - Murcia - Valencia - Alicante Weather - Alicante Transfers - Spain - Builders