Gibraltar Map

Useful Gibraltar map, showing the British Dependency on the Spanish coast.

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Detailed Road Map of Gibraltar

Gibraltar Map - Zoomable street map of Gibraltar a British overseas territory located on the coastline of southern Spain. Gibraltar has a good selection of hotels and holiday rental accommodation.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Gibraltar and plan your visit to the area.

It is also possible to view the nearby towns, villages and resorts of La Linea de la ConcepciĆ³n, San Roque, Algeciras, Campamento, Palmones, El Rodeo, San Garcia, Los Barrios, Santa Margarita and Catellar de la Frontera.

The Rock of Gibraltar is located at the entrance of the Mediterranean. Its strategic location and history have made it an international symbol of solidity and strength. The subject of repeated conquest and sieges, Gibraltar has been a British Territory since 1704.

Ceded forever to Britain by Spain in the Treaty of Utrecht (1713), Gibraltar joined the EU in 1973, under the British Treaty of Accession. Gibraltar has around 30,000 inhabitants made up of Gibraltarians, British, Spanish, Moroccans and Indians.

As you can see on this Gibraltar map, the territory is located at the southern end of the Costa del Sol and is reached via the A-383 from the A-7 motorway and has its own airport.

Gibraltar Links: Gibraltar Guide - Gibraltar Weather

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