Fuerteventura Map

Useful Fuerteventura map, showing the main towns and resorts.

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Detailed Road Map of Fuerteventura

Fuerteventura Map - Street Map of Fuerteventura Canary Islands Spain - Zoomable road map of Fuerteventura a popular tourist destination in the Canary Islands, Spain. Fuerteventura has a good selection of hotels and holiday rental accommodation, some good resorts and some superb sandy beaches.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Fuerteventura and plan your visit to the island. On the map it is also possible to view the Fuerteventura towns, villages and resorts of Puerto del Rosario, Jandia, Caleta de Fuste, Corralejo, La Oliva, El Cotillo, Gran Tarajal, Cofete, Costa Calma, Betancuria, and Tindaya.

Fuerteventura is the second largest and the longest of the Spanish Canary Islands, it has an area of 1,660km2 but a population of only around 70,000 making it one of the most sparsely populated of the islands. Fuerteventura is renowned for its wonderful sandy beaches, the best in the Canaries, and many of its visitors come for the beaches alone, many arriving by ferry from Playa Blanca on neighbouring Lanzarote, just to spend a day on the beach.

Tourism has not taken over in a big way on Fuerteventura, as it has in some other of the Canary Islands, but it is growing in popularity as word gets around, it is also a wonderful location for water sports, the windy conditions being perfect for surfing and wind-surfing.


Fuerteventura Pages: Fuerteventura Guide - Fuerteventura Weather

Fuerteventura Places: Puerto del Rosario

More Fuerteventura Info: Corralejo Weather

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