Cordoba Map

Useful Cordoba map, showing the city in Andalucia, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Cordoba Andalucia

Cordoba Map (Mapa) - Zoomable street map of Cordoba a city in northern Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Cordoba and plan your visit to the city. It is also possible to view the nearby towns and areas of Las Siete Fincas, Torreblanca, Los Morales, Las Ermitas, El Brillante and El Higueron, you can also see the airport to the south-west of the city.

An ancient city, once one of the most important and most populous in the world, Cordoba was a former Roman provincial capital and was later the capital of the Moorish Empire in the west. Its amazing Mezquita mosque originally dates from the 8th century, and is a must visit attraction while you are in Cordoba.

Cadiz can be reached via the A-4 from Seville, and the A-45 from Malaga.

Cordoba Links: Cordoba Guide - Cordoba Weather

Andalucia Links: Andalucia Guide - Andalucia Map - Andalucia Weather

Andalucia Golf: Marbella Golf - Torrequebrada Golf - Spain Golf

Andalucia Cities: Seville - Granada - Jaen - Malaga - Huelva - Cadiz - Antequera

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