Calasparra Map

Useful Calasparra map, showing the location of the town in Spain's Murcia region.

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Detailed Street Map of Calasparra Spain

Interactive Calasparra map showing the historic town located north-east of Caravaca de la Cruz in a mountainous part of the Murcia region.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of the Calasparra and plan your visit to the town. It is also possible to view the surrounding Murcian towns and villages of Caravaca de la Cruz, Moratalla, Cieza, Cehegin, and Bullas.

The town of Calasparra has a population of around 10,000 and is noted for its production of rice, aided by its being intersected by 4 rivers including the River Segura.

Nearby Places: Caravaca de la Cruz - Mula - Yecla - Fortuna - Jumilla

Related: Murcia - Cartagena - Los Alcazares - Mar Menor - San Javier - La Manga - Mazarron - Murcia Airport Transfers - Builders