Benicarlo Map

Useful Benicarlo map, showing the town on the Costa del Azahar.

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Detailed Street Map of Benicarlo Spain

Benicarlo Map - Zoomable street map of Benicarlo, a coastal town between Peniscola and Vinaros in the Valencia region, Costa del Azahar, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed street map of Benicarlo and plan your visit to the town. On the map you can also see the surrounding towns and villages of Vinaros, Sant Jordi, Peniscola, El Abanico, Calig, Bovalar, Sant Sebastia, Finca del Moro, and Santa Magdalena del Pulpis, you can also see the Sierra de Irta Natural Park.

Settled as far back as the Bronze Age, the nearby Iberian village of El Puig, gives evidence of its early inhabitants. Just a small Arab farmstead called Benigazló, during the Moorish occupation of Spain, Benicarlo's first historical documentation dates from 1236, when the town's more: Benicarlo.

Benicarlo can be accessed via the N-340 or the AP-7 motorway, it is about 4 kilometres from Peniscola.

Benicarlo Links: Benicarlo Guide - Benicarlo Weather

Costa del Azahar Golf: Oliva Nova Golf - More Spanish Golf

Costa del Azahar Hotels: Gran Hotel Peniscola

Costa del Azahar Places: Valencia - Alcala de la Selva - Alcossebre - Benicassim - Burriana - Castellon de la Plana - Cullera - Morella - Onda - Orpesa - Peniscola - Sagunt - Teruel - Vilafames - Vinaros - Valdelinares

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