Almunecar Map

Almunecar map, showing the town and resort on the Costa Tropical, Spain.

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Detailed Street Map of Almunecar

Almunecar Map: Zoomable road map of Almunecar an historical town located on the Costa Tropical, part of the better known Costa del Sol, in Andalucia, Spain.

Using the buttons on the top left you can 'zoom' and 'pan' to get a detailed road map of Almunecar and plan your visit to the town. You can also view other nearby areas of La Herradura, Velilla, Velila Taramay, Torre del Diablo, Alta Mar and SalobreƱa, by zooming out you can view Nerja and Motril.

Almunecar is a historical town which was originally founded by the Phoenicians in about 800 BC, further developed by the Romans, it became an important trading town and port renowned for its fish salting. In recent year Almunecar has become a significant holiday destination, it has a sandy beach and a decent choice of facilities and rental accommodation. Almunecar is located between Motril and Nerja on the Costa Tropical, it can be accessed from the N-340 coast road, it is about 80 kilometres from Malaga and its International Airport.

Links: Almunecar Information - Almunecar Weather

Almunecar Hotels: Almunecar Playa Hotel - Hotels

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